Break free from the should's & supposed to's so you can
stop living for others & start living for yourself

1:1 coaching for women ready to
release shame and reclaim their joy

Are you wrestling with the messiness of shedding old beliefs and identities while barely treading water in the ocean of fear and uncertainty that comes with embracing a whole new version of you? A version that feels more authentic andplusalso like a rebellion against everything you were conditioned to be?

You wanna live life on your own terms but aren’t quite sure what those even are. You’re craving clarity from the chaos of what feels like a crisis. Let’s be real, it’s confusing and scary as fuck. 

If you landed here in search of answers,
it’s no accident and you can trust you’re in the right place. 

Only, there’s a twist—what you seek outside of yourself you already contain within.

I’m here to help you reconnect to your body’s innate wisdom and your soul’s intuitive voice so you can navigate this wild ride with confidence

Caught between the "aha" moments and the "what the hell is happening" vibes?

You're in the right place.

My Soul’s purpose is to be your partner on this rollercoaster ride that is a spiritual awakening. As we journey together, we’ll co-create a safe space where you can approach the unknown with curiosity and compassion. You’ll tap into the wisdom your body holds and turn up the volume on your inner felt senses (don’t worry if that sounds mysterious, I’m here to demystify it with you 😉) so you can hear the whispers of your heart more clearly and connect with this sacred sanctuary within. Here, you’ll unlock your power and connect with the Truth of who you are so you can confidently express your authentic self. I'm ready to witness the layers of your Soul’s journey unfold. 




I learned how to honor myself & feel safe, aligned & empowered in my body.

- Hali

I found a deeper connection to myself. I found ME again.


All of our sessions are still healing me from the inside out.

Like, life-turned-upside-down, who-the-hell-am-I shifts. Am I right?! You’re probably questioning everything you’ve ever known to be true. Even though you don't really know who you're becoming yet, you do know you’ll never be the same again.

Here’s the thing—you have this incredible internal compass—an intuitive voice that’s been shushed and ignored for way too long. Maybe you silenced it yourself, or maybe it was an evangelical upbringing, or maybe it was both - like me! Either way, it’s about time she had her say

But let’s not kid ourselves—your past programming is loudly playing on a loop in your head and your inner voice isn’t about to yell over that noise. It’s much more subtle than that. 

If you’re ready to turn down the mental mess and tune in to the channel of You, then I invite you to say goodbye to the stories of your past and create new ones. You’re gonna build a connection with your inner wisdom so strong, it’ll feel like you just met a new bestie who just ‘gets you.’

Let's harmonize who you were with the radiant Soul you were always meant to be (and deep down have always been) so you can embody and express the truth of who you are.

If you're here, chances are you're going through some serious shifts.

Navigate the intense shifts and often scary af unknown of your spiritual awakening with curiosity and self-compassion on this guided journey of discovery, reclamation and embodiment. This isn't one-size-fits-all kind of support. I'll meet you exactly where you are, every step of the way.

For those moments when you need someone to hear you —come sit with me and spill your fucking soul out. We’ll explore threads of tension and possibilities of power. You'll leave feeling seen and ready to move forward with practical steps. 



Soul Journey Sessions

Single Session

Clients ready to go deeper into their journey 

Past clients who need a top-up or new clients looking for a taste

Best for

Best for

I'LL guide you to the Wise Voice within


We’ll sit together and I’ll do my thing. All you have to do is show up and I’ll guide you the rest of the way. You’ll leave knowing your Soul Self, the you-you, without all the conditioning and programming, a little more with each session. 

Have all the feels and decide you didn’t get enough of me? Uh-mazing! You’ll schedule your first session.

Schedule a free connection call and let’s see if we vibe. You ask your burning questions and I’ll share what it's like to work together and give you the nerdy details.


Book YOUR session



Let's Talk About How It'll Go Down

And I mean FREE.
Signing up for emails not required 😅
The link will take you directly to the meditation—you're welcome and enjoy!


The vibe over here is trusting the intuitive knowledge of your heart to guide you and living life on your own terms—as your most authentic Soul Self (you-you).


You're ready TO